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Posts tagged ‘possibilities’

Day 14 & 15 – The good, the bad and the possibility

Yesterday was one of my best and worst day in a while. I connected with my local community in new ways and I attracted new beautiful experiences and knowing.
Then toward the evening, when I had taken the steps toward relaxation (drinking wine), something happened that caused fear and disappointment on my part. I knew I really was the one causing it but in a few seconds I forgot all about what I am talking about here and started blaming someone else.

After a few uncomfortable exchange of emails and some deep breathing, I was clear that my circumstance would not change unless I took responsibility for the emotion and asked what else was possible. Now I was willing to consider a new possibility.

This is why I love Access Consciousness. It teaches us tools and processes to remove the polarity, not to make something wrong right. Once something just is, it allows so many more possibilities.

I do not describe many tools of Access but today I really want to be grateful for the tool of saying “this is an interesting point of view” every time I hear a point of view in my head or someone gives me theirs. If I wake up feeling moody, I can say “it’s an interesting point of view”. If my boss feels that I did not respond to his email fast enough, I can say “it is an interesting point of view”. If the news say these are bad economic times, I can say “it is an interesting point of view”.

Just saying this feels like a window opening up in my brain. Tensions disappears and I can breathe better.

What if every though was an interesting point of view?

Day 11 – OK, I admit it…..

I admit it, I am lazy and I like it. At least, that’s how it looks to many people. The truth is that I am really fast at doing certain things and I also do not believe anything good gets done unless I have fun doing it. So from the outside, it just looks like I am playing or doing things easy.

Have you noticed how much story we have around people who play or only do things easy? Lots, right? I know because as soon as I relax with a book, take a nap, watch a fun sitcom or watch a silly cat video on Facebook, I feel guilty. I was taught “well” πŸ™‚

Well I am kind of done with that. I really don’t believe we need to work hard or work long hours. I don’t believe any task that takes effort (meaning anything less than really fun) will bring anything positive. That’s why technology has started to offer the tools we now have.

If you are reading this online, you know the tools the web has provided for making us work faster and more efficiently. But even offline, how many robots, automatic machines have we created to take care of these mundane not so exciting actions?

Now that these actions are easily done, what else is possible? What can we create with our time and energy that we would actually enjoy so much that it would not look like work?

How does it get any better than that?


Day 9 -Let’s talk about anger :)

Lately I have been hearing many thought leaders talk about “being responsible about our own energy”. Since the world is made of energy and we are affecting it all by what we project, it does make sense to start taking responsibility for the energy we be.

How do we do that? It does require to be aware of our energy first. The first easy answer is how do we feel? If we feel good, we are probably being love, peace, and other yummy feelings. And when we feel bad, we are probably being the opposite energy, energies we don’t really want to see reflected into our world.

But what about anger? I use to do anger a lot. And I got a lot back to. I got people angry at me and I got reasons to be angry. But the truth is anger is not really an energy, it is more a residual effect. If I do anger because I am being a victim, then the world will reflect victimhood to me. But if I do anger because I am being empowered, the world will reflect back more empowered people.

The cool thing about doing anger when I am the energy of being empowered is that I do not project any victim or powerless or fight energy into the world. I actually from a space of possibility. When was the last time you stood up for yourself? That’s doing anger from the energy of being empowered.

What will it take for us to be responsible for the energy we project into the world and always choose to do anger from the place of being empowered?

What else is possible?

Day 3 – Shutting down the lies

I will be teaching an Access Bars class on January 13th and I started having all kind of interesting thoughts about it. “What if no one showed up?” being the one that came up first and more frequently. First, when I check if the thought feels light or heavy, it’s heavy. So I know it’s not true. Yep, that voice in your head, it LIES!

Since that is not true, what is true for me? What is true is that there are many people who would love to take my class because they know how good it is πŸ™‚ I love what I do, I love offering a great tool for people to stop that monkey talk and to increase their energy levels. And that’s simply the residual effects from transforming their life and body πŸ™‚ Of course, as soon as I am starting to focus on that, I feel great and that voice is gone!

As I am closing 2011 and celebrating this fantastic year, I am also looking forward to 2012 and what I am creating. And I am noticing how I have been creating by default, listening to that lying voice instead of my inner knowing. How many times did I distract myself with a game, TV or food when a great idea showed up? How many times did I get excited about something and then stopped doing it because “I got busy”. Truth is I was listening to the lying voice saying I could not really do it and I could not really deserve it. Me? You know this is not my inner knowing talking πŸ™‚

My inner knowing is actually quite quiet. It will often give me an image, a sensation and all it takes is for me to notice it. Hence the importance of shutting down the lies. While there are many ways we can shut down the lies, such as meditating, sleeping, spiritual practice, my favorite has been asking questions. What would it take for me to be the energy of everything? Whow, there is no room for lies in that question.

What’s your favorite way of shutting down the lies?

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